Your sun sign describes your basic nature and personality traits and according to Ayurveda it is your biotype or called as Prakriti/ Dosha. It is the source of talent, career, health and money. It is where you get your power and energy in life.
Your rising sign partners with the sun sign to form your persona in the world. It is your first impression and often drives how others perceive you.
Your moon sign reveals how you relate to others. It is about how you feel, express your feelings and connect.
Your moon constellation (or Nakshatra) unlocks the secret of compatibility between individuals, because it is even more specific than your moon sign. Acharya refers to the Moon (Lunar), which represents the mind because like the moon, the mind is reflective and goes through phases of light and dark. The sanctum is a holy place where humans go to find rest and quiet; where the phases of the mind are stilled through Nature’s reflection.
The Moon opens a visual path leading to a holy place, where rest and healing are realized. Lunar Sanctum Sanctorum is known as Garbha Graha and is inspired by the mystic systems born in GuptKaal (Gupta period) in India. Garbha Graha is the sanctum sanctorum, the innermost sanctum of a where resides the primary deity who is your personal deity in your body temple. Literally the word means “womb chamber”, from the Sanskrit words Garbha for womb and Graha for house. Only ‘priests are allowed to enter this chamber.
The concept of adoption of a plant is been derived from Indian cultural history. The Indian astrology is based on the concept of Nakshatras (Constellations) and Rashis (as per moon signs).
The zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatras, so there are in all 27 Nakshatras present in a year and every individual has a Nakshatra assigned to him/her depending on the date and time on which he/she is born (the tithi).
Knowing one’s accurate Janma Nakshatra/ Birth Constellation is very important as per Vedic Astrology because several astrology rituals and prayers/ poojas/ mantra are based on one’s Nakshatra or Birth star.
Every Nakshatra has a symbolic tree or plant that defines its connection with eternal nature. In our Indian culture there was a tradition that whenever a baby is born in someone’s home, that person was supposed to plant a tree of the same Nakshatra on which the baby was born. The person was supposed to take care of the tree as his child because it was believed that the more good and healthy the tree will grow, it will prosper more health and happiness to the child.
If these trees have been assigned to the 27 Nakshatras by the Vedic Rishis, than it will be worthwhile for us to know which tree belongs to our Birth Constellation and to have some idea about its medicinal values or other applications.
So the presence of the complete set of 27 trees directly creates healthy and sound physical, mental, psychological and spiritual beings; which is the ultimate and absolute bliss to oneself and to the Earth too!
If you focus on what you have left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead